bubbly background
Plip Plop Land

June 15 2024

New game: Pizza Land

This new game has been added to the other games category.
I am very pleased to finally add Pizza Land to the Plip Plop Land library.
In this game, players divide into customers and pizza chefs, ordering and making pizzas respectively.
Customers give their orders verbally to the chef while browsing the in-game menu.
Chefs prepare and cook the pizza before finally "sending" it to the customer.
In reality, sending the pizza means it is given an id number that the customer can input to receive their pizza.

Happy pizzaing!

Go To Pizza Land

April 26 2024

New game: Secret ABC

This new game has been added to the typing/reading category.
It is my great pleasure to add Secret ABC to the Plip Plop library of games.
For those familiar with the "old" name for this game, it is essentially "hangman".
Guess what letter might be hiding in the secret word.
Guessing incorrectly will cause your balloons to be popped!

Happy plipping!

Go To Game: Secret ABC

April 16 2024

New game: Sound Match

This new game has been added to the picture games category.
I am delighted to add Sound Match to the Plip Plop library of games.
In this game, players see an image and hear an audio prompt. Their challenge is to decide if the two match, and input a yes/no answer accordingly.
Fun in a lot of classroom scenarios.

Happy plipping!

Go To Game: Sound Match

April 12 2024

Updated Images and Sounds

A short news post to announce that image libraries have been updated to (mostly) match textbook changes in 2024.
This means that some topics have been split into two, one that matches the textbook topic and another with the extra images.
As a result of doing it this way, no previously available images/words have been removed. Also I am now open to adding even more images into these "extra" categories.
It did seem like the menus were getting a bit full though, so I also added a filter function when choosing topics.

As always, please let me know if you find anything not working as it should.

April 5 2024

New game: Tiles

This new game has been added to the typing/reading category.
I am delighted to add Tiles to the library of games. In this game, players choose from a selection of available letters to correctly spell a target word.

Go To Game: Tiles

February 9 2024

Plip Plop Land just got a whole lot better!

Most if not all apps have received a major overhaul, with fresh visual styles and an enhanced user experience that's easier than ever to navigate.
Plus, many apps now include immersive audio features, adding an entirely new dimension to many of your Plip Plop Land favourites.

Furthermore, several apps have been extensively refurbished, giving them a much-needed refresh and making them even more enjoyable to use.
On top of that, I have implemented performance enhancements across the entire site, so you can expect faster loading times and smoother interactions.
I'm confident that these improvements will make your Plip Plop Land experience more enjoyable than ever, for both teachers and students.

As always, if you find something that could be better, or you feel a change has been made not necessarily for the better, then please drop me a line on discord, twitter or youtube.
And you can send an email directly to plipplopland@gmail.com.
I am always very grateful for the feedback.
I also invite you to get in touch if you are interested in contributing to or supporting Plip Plop Land in other ways.

Happy Plipping!

January 10 2024

In this post:
  • Site Renewal
  • New App: Chants & Song Player
  • New App: Timer

New Year, new Plip!

Off to a bit of a bumpy start, but the latest upgrades have arrived to Plip Plop Land.
All of the same content remains available, with the site now set up to provide even more great games and apps for years to come.
That being said, do drop me a line on Youtube or twitter if you notice something has gone missing!
Regretfully, this update will definitely have broken links so I am sorry if that has inconvenienced you.
Hopefully your previous links will lead you back to Plip Home and you can then easily find your resource.

Thank you for your ongoing use and support of Plip Plop Land!

New App: Chants and Song Player

This utility app has been added to the Digital Textbook Resources category.
In it you will find all the chants and songs from years of ES materials.
At this time the catalogue contains Lets Try, We Can, Hi Friends and New Horizon Elementary.
The cataloge can be browsed by material/unit, tag or using the search bar.

Go To Chants and Songs Player

New App: Timer

This utility app has been added to the other games category.
Most classrooms have some kind of little timer, but I wanted a BIG one and so I made this.
There are no sounds at this time, but I intend to add an alarm sound and appropriate controls in the near future.

Go To Timer

December 22 2023

New Game: Bubble Pop

This new game has been added to the typing/reading category.
I am happy to present Bubble Pop, a game about helping a cute fish to pop bubbles, but you'll need good reading skills to find which bubbles are safe to pop.

Go To Game: Bubble Pop

November 12 2023

New Game: Word Blocks

This new game has been added to the typing/reading category.
I am very proud to present Word Blocks, a game about making sentences and winning points! This is an exiting and detailed game, with many fun mechanics and a variety of modes and challenges to enjoy. For the full description of all game mechanics, see the guide available in-game.

Go To Game: Word Blocks

September 24 2023

New Game: Sight Words

This new game has been added to the typing/reading category.
In this game you are given a word and must choose a correct image. There are three images to choose from for each question, only one of which will be correct.

Go To Game: Sight Words

September 1 2023

In this post:
  • New Plip-plop-land
  • New Game: Flash-Typing
  • Updated Game: "Around School" becomes "Getting Around"

New Plip-plop-land

Welcome to the new Plip-plop-land!

As of September 1st 2023, we have moved to plip-plop-land V2, a step-up in design and function which I hope will lead to an improved user experience. All of the same games and activities are here, with some new updates and additions. Find games now listed by category, or in the full index.

I have tried to make the update in such a way as to avoid breaking links/bookmarks etc. so I hope there hasn't been any undue inconvenience caused to anyone. You can still access the original page through a link at the top ( and here ) and all new games will also be available there.

Happy plipping!

New Game: Flash Typing

This new game has been added to the typing/reading category. In this game you are briefly shown a word and then tasked to input it correctly from memory. Try it now.

Go To Game: Flash Typing

Updated Game: Around School

Around School has become "Getting Around".

Upon loading the game users are now be the option to continue to "Around School" as before, or to go instead to the new "Around Town". Around Town is very similar in function to the original school version but replaces the vocabulary with places and kinds of facilities etc. There are two sets of vocabulary available, with a toggle to switch between them.

Go To Game: Getting Around